Selected by Dagny Thurmann-Moe

“I am a colour designer and creative director of KOI Colour Studio, which I started in 2014. I now have over 10 years of experience in designing with colour. KOI Colour Studio is Norway’s first multidisciplinary colour studio and our goal is to contribute with a focused and effective use of colour in urban spaces, architecture, interior architecture, product development and graphic design. We also offer courses, brand development and strategic guidance. Our customers are so different and we meet so many inspiring and interesting people through our work.”

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Dagny Thurmann Moe KOI Colour Studio

"We find inspiration in our clients, each other, art, our wardrobes, nature, the city and books. And for example dirty laundry, where unintentional colour magic takes place.”

Interview with Dagny

Q: Why do you enjoy working and working with Pure & Original?
Dagny: We mainly work with Pure & Original products because of the natural colour pigments, which reflect the light in a special way. Due to the lime ingredients, the paint also works differently on the wall than other wall paint. We also appreciate the lack of plastic. The textured, velvety surfaces and the more concrete-like alternatives are also absolutely beautiful.
Q: What do you like most about your job?
Dagny: Our customers are so different and we meet so many inspiring and interesting people through our work. Designing colour schemes for someone’s home, an institution or the facade of a building is almost always an intimate process, and we love getting to know and welcome our clients to make their dreams and visions come true. The process of choosing colours is a combination of creative flow and solving a puzzle, which puts everything together into a beautiful product for our customers.
Q: What colours have you used in your own home?
Dagny: We all have different colour aesthetics and living situations, but we have the same love of colours and the same approach to playfulness and experimentation.
Q: How would you describe your own style?
Dagny: The KOI aesthetic is colourful, elegant and modern, but with historical references.
Q: What changes have you seen in the Norwegian style over the years?
Dagny: Historically, Norwegians have had quite a colourful past. But the past 20+ years have been dominated by the shades of grey, which is a colour that really doesn’t work well with Scandinavian lighting conditions, the weather and the winter season. It is a relief to see that trend go by and go back to our colourful roots.
Q: How do you see the future of interior design in Norway?
Dagny: Until recently, Norwegian design was overshadowed by the more famous cousins from Denmark, Sweden and Finland. We are now rediscovering our heritage as a self-contained design nation, as well as finding our own way of doing things. In a way, we are more free to create with playfulness and fun, as we have not pushed the legacy of a long design tradition upon us. The future is bright and interesting.
Q: What kind of people do you think are most attracted / connected to Pure & Original?
Dagny: We recommend Pure & Original to all our customers, and most would agree that it is the best choice for them. If you are interested in the environment, beautiful pigments and striking walls, Pure & Original is the best alternative. In addition, the paint provides nicer walls than industrial paint.
Q: What are your dreams for the future? For yourself and Pure & Original?
Dagny: We are currently expanding and are happy to welcome more international customers. Our dream is to make the world more colourful. And for Pure & Original? Probably the same, we are a good team;)
Q: Are you currently working on a project or are you proud of a particular project you have done?
Dagny: We are very proud of the three campaigns we have run for Pure & Original since 2017, and are super excited about our future plans. We are also working on several large villas and some new real estate developments that are going to be very beautiful.

Q: What is your favorite paint and colour?
Dagny: Classico is the most popular quality in the studio for interiors. But also Marrakech Walls with the high-gloss finish we are starting to find more and more beautiful, and is a favorite in the right location and in the right room. We also use Licetto for rooms with more wear and tear and Traditional Paint for woodwork. So I guess you could say we use most paints, but for different spaces and clients. They are all favorites.

We don’t really have a favorite colour, we like most. Especially creating new and unexpected combinations. However, we never work with grey, this colour doesn’t do much for us.

Brown Red Classico Margaret de Lange Pure & Original

Pure & Original Colour Collection

Since 2017, Pure & Original has collaborated with KOI Colour Studio for the Colour Collections Cosmopolitan Chique, The Neomodernist and Upside Down.

Hop Classico Margaret de Lange Pure & Original

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Are you crazy about colour just like KOI Colour Studio? Download our Colour Collection brochures for free and be inspired!