Highlights Milan Design Week ‘24

This year was that time again, the moment every interior designer, inspirer, trend forecaster or consumer looks forward to, Milan Design Week 2024. Feikje Lasut and Anne Braun went out as inspirers for their own platform: Female Interior Creators. They visited insane exhibitions here and the well-known Salone del Mobile, for Pure & Original all these innovations were captured... They are happy to take you through the "MUST SEE" moments Anne and Feikje encountered during the design trip!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)




Combinations of different colours and textures is definitely a topic at the heart of this year’s DIMORE CENTRALE, we see many natural elements that are particularly finished and provide what is known as an “eye-catcher” in the space. DIMORE has been known to apply reflective colours to the walls in previous years, this year it was another hit… The silver wall finish in the courtyard provided a special touch to the surroundings!


Alcova invites the public into an almost surreal microcosm; a historically relevant context in which installations, performances and collective moments can be hosted. A curated selection of experimental design pieces will dialogue with the extraordinary architecture and offer surprising juxtapositions. In this seventh edition of ALCOVA MILANO, two crazy locations have been chosen to present no less than 80 projects from all over the world.


This year, ALCOVA’s art currents to be found in two iconic villas in the Milan metropolitan area… Villa Bagatti Valsecchi and indeed, Villa Borsani, an example of rationalist architecture and symbol of a great creative season of the 20th century. Filled with awesome prints and textures that make the space fill up.


Texture and colour are essential elements in both art and design, and when they come together, they create a rich and captivating aesthetic. Textures add depth and tactility to surfaces, while colours create emotion and visual interest. When combined harmoniously, textures and colours can form a powerful synergy that excites the senses and brings spaces to life. So too in the crazy inspiration rooms designed by Italian craftsmanship.



Baxter presents Indoor collection 2024… A complex universe of cross-references and quotations from the masters of design and architecture, certainly evoking eras of the past but retaining the conceptual and stylistic values of the time that are still relevant.



Diesel Living presents an immersive lifestyle experience… A bold application of iconic Diesel red and silver, the environment communicates a unique vision for home and collaborative spaces. Red Takeover and Silver Dome present the full breadth of Diesel’s collections for home and home.

Foto’s by: Diesel Living


“We design and produce site-specific glass lighting installations, glassware collections, and artisanal glass for architecture. Through our work, we strive to discover what is overshadowed by superficial beauty. We are looking for meaningful, human and even mind-healing experiences – a source of joy and fulfilment that material possessions often cannot reproduce.” – Lasvit

Foto’s by: Lasvit



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